On Earth Day, Silas was committed to Mama Pancha. At school, he signed an oath to commit himself as a protector of the Earth. He took this oath very very seriously for a couple of hours. So much so, that we picked up trash around his school and the neighborhood, and he demanded that I plant the garden (while he randomly stabbed the soil with the tool he found most fascinating at the moment... ).
Green onions, bell peppers, mesclun, and lemon cucumbers made it into Mama P.'s bosom before we passed out cold.
above: Peep, Whiteface, and Mowgli decide to roost and observe the Earth Day adventure once the sun set.
And then today... TODAY! Could there have been a more beautiful day to finish planting a cottage garden? And this time... I had help... Tracie was kind enough to share some plants and seeds with me ... The most exciting being pattypan squash. (I heart pattypans; they remind me of my Nanny.)
Then I drafted Shawn, who was a bit hungover, but said he would agree for "selfish" reasons after a three hour nap. (e.g. he's a fresh foodie too!)
Above: Shawn is pissed that he got stuck with boulder digging duty... the tiller just skipped over these things the past three years (as it only digs about eight inches in, while the handy dandy shovel goes at least eighTEEN inches down... and now the ground is soft enough to dig. Why? That compost has attracted every worm within 100 yards. YIPPEE!)
Above: Silas assists with the collection of poultry manure to compost and later fertilize the garden... kinda. He's learning.
Above: I heart my old iron fence that I haggled off the back of a recycler's truck at the corner of Broadway and Central. (Delivery Included) I made for quite the traffic nuisance. It makes for an adorable trellis. This is a standard green cucumber prepping for its climb. PENSIVE. Can you tell I'm obsessed with cukes?)
Above: I just wanna call this photo "Honest Hands." I love this picture.
Now, almost everything is snuggled in with the worms, clay, and the compost, the rocks are gone and will soon be used for walkways (look between and around the fences... oh lawd, the rocks!). Soon, the okra and onions will sprout, the cukes will be climbing the old fence, the tomatillos will be taking over, and we will be exercising our foodie genes.
My garden makes me happy.
Now, for the tomato ring and the herbs... tomorrow?
This. Is. Beautiful! A+