In my house we chose to actually remember the dead people who we have loved and who loved us, who we miss and who changed us. This was inspired by Mexico's Day of the Dead, but also by the desire to give Silas meaning to an occasion that most find to merely mean a sugar and/or a beer buzz.
Today, we will light a tinley fire (The wren to the robin said, "Make a fire for the new year, for the old year is dead."). Plant seeds (garlic and tulips!) in Mama Pancha and continue with our happy memories and our sugar buzzesssssss.
Dead Shawn and the Priest that undertook 'em... BTW- Senore Taco hearts El Dia De Los Muertos...
Muerto Tracie- and those awesome fall colors honoring the third station of the year and the seeds falling to the ground...
Moi + Muerte.
Chad's strange amalgam of pervy priest and Ph.D. (Notice Sally behind him, perched to defend against him.)
Boba Fett and his Jedi nemesis... (This is the second year running that Silas has chosen to masquerade as one of the bad guys of Star Wars.)
The last of the small sugar skulls after handing them out to Trick or Treaters. We started with ten times this many- and Silas got some "what are those?" from the Tricksters. But, most loved them as they got to pick their own designs...
Shannon as Santa Muerte...
Sophia as Goth Vampire. (Or at least that was her makeup request, she's all into the goth scene.)
Sugar skull assembly line. My floors are STICKY!
I wanted to pour resin over this curl trim to keep it on the table always...
Yeah! The pic with Shawn and Chad looks like a very cool bar...
ReplyDeleteWe shoulda taken pics along our Halloween route!