our local grafitti artist "done" has taken our brand new overpass on 6th ave and turned it into a room of his own. we only had one box of chalk and a few hours to cosmetically enhance done's work- so we just tackled the first four pillars. that's shawn and silas sitting next to the sadness that is "done." some people are crazy enough to sign onto my harebrained ideas.
here's jon, and the four pillars. this view is looking up 6th where it hooks up with hall of fame drive. (jon blogs at www.codename646.blogspot.com and tweets @codename)
the laughing buddha was the first one finished... i promise he's laughing. some of the reactions:
- i thought i caught 'em! --cliff, concerned city worker, keeping watchout for "done"
- that's not YOUR property! -- really uptight kids, riding in the back of a car
- brandy!! that's my lawyer!! -- india, a client
- what would you charge to paint a bedroom? -- random lady whose kids need a mural
- thank you! and wow that looks better. -- knoxville police department
- that's tight. -- some thuggish kid who took our pic
what does all this randomness do to my son? he seems to enjoy it.
finito! jon surveys the work. compare with the top pic- the chalk covered so much better than we expected-- we WILL be doing this again.
i twatter @codename646 not @codename :)~
ReplyDeletethis task was a day well spent. I love that the local authorities appreciated what we were doing and didn't try to silence the voice of "chalk makes it look happy"
It looks so much nicer now. I look forward to the next day of random beauty. the finished product definitely makes a pastel statement on the state of horrible, ugly, "not art" graffiti